Saturday, March 29, 2014


Today is my Birthday.

Yesterday I was able to share a moment with several women who inspire me and who I have had the privilege of knowing either half of my
life or my entire life, respectively.

In my 40 Plus years of this amazing life, one thing I have learned to be true for me is I relish, I value, I need to engage and interact with other amazing women.  This year, although it's only three months old, has been quite tumultuous for me emotionally, I needed my girl time.

I loved sitting at the table with these human beings, feeling their energy, and looking at the beautiful faces of each and every one of them.  Hearing their perspectives, listening to their life experience, learning their hearts, it's truly a gift. Another thing I value is having been able to be in at least one part of their story.  It humbles me to have experienced them as players in mine.

Sisterhood is a gift that is absolutely priceless and monumentally essential to the well being of the universe.
We don't have to be biologically related to be sisters.

On my 41st born day I'd like to acknowledge my mother for having the fortitude, love, and determination to allow me to come into this lifetime through her even with all the challenges.  Thank you mommy for being!  I acknowledge and honor my grandmother, one of my most greatest loves and my constant rock and motivation. I'd like to recognize and share my love and gratitude to my aunts, my cousins, my sisters, my nieces, my daughters, my teachers, my colleagues, my sister-friends who move me and inspire me every day to be.  I'd like to lovingly say thank you to my son and his father for being such supporters of my zaniness and for all the light and joy you have all brought to my life.

I thank you, from the depths of my heart and soul.


Love transcends all things.  Trust in the wonder and power of your dreams.

Thank you for reading and Sharing.

Sharing is caring!
Love exists and Life is a miracle, treat it all as such.
In possibility,
Julie Jewels

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Relationships are Hard.

Yes, Relationships are Hard.

Being in a relationship is challenging, 
not being in a relationship is challenging.

Being in relationship with myself is challenging.
Fruitful, amazing, and rewarding and also challenging.

I don't have it figured out and every moment brings me more clarity as to how intricate being in relationship truly is.  It doesn't make it any easier or any less messy, this knowledge I have.

In all honesty I have recently committed to doing lots of mirror work coupled with focusing.  This is part of my journey in exploring healing and having compassion for myself. ( I highly recommend it, for me it seemed unnatural initially, now it's become more organic). For More on Mirror Work Click Here and go to Louise Hay's Website.  My therapist first introduced me to "focusing."  For more on Focusing Click Here go to  I've shared a bit about my Part of my Road to Calm Experience, in pictures.  The actual Road To Calm Website. <---I HIGHLY Recommend this experience. 

This week I learned big lessons about me and who i think I am and who i've truly been.

Yes, relationships are hard and and sometimes dirty, and they are mind blowing, life giving, energy draining, joy inspiring, and absolutely sublime! 

What are your thoughts on relationships? Are they challenging? Are they essential? What makes a relationship? What makes a relationship work for you? What makes a relationship not work, for you?

Sharing is caring!

Thank you for reading and Sharing.

Love exists and Life is a miracle, treat it all as such.

In possibility,
Julie Jewels

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It's Official.

We have registered our child, he will officially be a Kindergartner in September.


To many this is really not a huge deal. To some this is the deal.
For me it brings up so so much.

Do you remember back in October of 2012 when I shared this with you?

So the feelings coming up for me with this new chapter are feelings of hope and reality.
The truth is what is coming up for me, MY TRUTH.

I told myself I am fine and everything is fine. For awhile, everything was fine. I'm still fine, just everything is now a little different.

What's your truth? How do you know what is real? What do your hopes consist of? Are you actively participating in the journey? Have you had to let go of something? Where are you right now?

Thank you for reading and Sharing.

Sharing is caring!

Love exists and Life is a miracle, treat it all as such.

In possibility,
Julie Jewels

Saturday, March 8, 2014



Wise. Whimsical. Witted. Wonderful.
Open. Oracle. Orgasmic.
Magical. Maternal. Majestic. Matriarch.
Engaging. Ebullient. Eclectic. Enigma.
Negotiator. Nobel. Nurturing.

Mujer. Donna. Mulher. Femme. Frau. Kvinna. Kvinne. Nainen. Women...

Celebrate. Acknowledge. Realize. Evolve.

Thank you for reading and Sharing.

Sharing is caring!

Love exists and Life is a miracle, treat it all as such.

In possibility,
Julie Jewels