Saturday, July 7, 2012

Conceive it, Believe it, Achieve it

In December of 2009 I was embarking on yet another life-changing transition, oh the joy!  One particular afternoon, I had had lunch with some very special ladies and on my way back to our office I decided to stop in Barnes & Noble near Washington Square Park, to pick up a new Agenda for the coming year.  As I was looking for what I needed I was drawn (as per the norm) to the "Self-Help" / "New Age" section, as I stepped into the aisle there was a book that practically fell off the shelf into my hands.

I began to skim through the beautiful pages as I gingerly returned to the office. ;)

I could not wait to get in the train to start reading this gem.

I loved it so much I wanted to share it with all my friends. I recommended it to Erika, a colleague I knew would LOVE it as much as I did.  Erika asked me if I wanted to facilitate a Book Club using this book, I JUMPED at the chance, just as the book JUMPED into my hands. :)

I reached out to the author, Patti Digh with the message below:

Dear Patti,
Hello. I'm Julie Katheryne, mother of Maximillian J., lover of life and Jaggie, former After School Field Supervisor and current Programming and Events supervisor, daughter, sister, aunt and friend to many beautiful souls.  I was searching for some answers and solutions to precarious situations and lo and behold I found your book.  Life is a Verb is truly an inspiration to me.  I walked into a Barnes and Noble on November 10, 2009 and it just jumped off the shelf and into my hands.  I have read the book and made a grillion notes in the margins, I continue to read and be inspired by it.  Thank you for creating it.  I have shared my inspiration with the Senior Programming Manager of my sister company and now the president of the company is purchasing 15 to 20 books to share with my colleagues for a Book Club that will meet on Friday, February 26, 2009.  The companies are The Leadership Program and Leadership Learning Lab.  WE specialize in cultivating students' and educators' sense of empowerment and connectedness. Our mission statement is:  Leadership is a dynamic urban organization that enriches lives, emboldens confidence and expands options by building strong leaders in classrooms and communities.
We host Leadership Classrooms for our full-time staff (about 30 people) on Fridays and Life is a Verb Book Club is one of those classrooms this coming season.  It would be an honor to have you come share with us and or any feedback you can give us.
Again, thank you for creating this treasure. :)

Imagine my excitement when I received this response from Patti Digh:

Dear Julie -

Oh how wonderful to get your message - many, many thanks for your very kind words about Life is a Verb - I'm glad it jumped off the shelf at you!

That's so great about your Book Club - Interestingly, my business partner and I are doing most of our work in education these days, after years of corporate engagements. I love your mission statement - how can I help?


I am so grateful to Patti for her creativity, openness and kindness.
We had a wonderful book club meeting and Patti Skyped in.  We didn't have the capability to have a large screen at the time but we worked with what we had and it was phenomenal.

I had a thought, I believed in it and a group of wonderful human beings made the possibility a reality.  Now it wasn't as I envisioned it in my mind but it was as wonderful as I knew it would be.

The world is full of possibilities, go out there and create!

Thank you. 

PS: Patti has so many wonderful books. She runs workshops for writers and is just so talented, down to earth and brilliant!
Check out her website: Patti Digh's Website:

Sharing is caring.

Respectfully & Sincerely yours,


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