Friday, October 17, 2014

The Universe Conspires...

The other night I was having a conversation about someone who was pretty present in my life for a while, we were good friends. We are still friends but because of our lives it's seldom when we connect.  Nevertheless, I was having a conversation about my friend and the very next morning I missed their call on my mobile.

Joyfully, this past weekend I had traveled with my family to the Dominican Republic for a few days. When we were returning from our short stint there I saw two book stores at the airport and told my partner I needed to find a copy of Paolo Coehlo's The Alchemist, in Spanish cause I had lost my original copy, which, sadly, I never read!  My partner said he would find it online for me and that would be great but I really felt that buying the book in DR after this trip would be a great reminder of the time shared, anyway, I didn't find the book.  When we stepped into the fuselage we were upgraded to first class, that was very cool.  Initially I thought I would to take a nap but I was feeling so comfortable I decided to take out my book so I can read, The Gifts of Imperfection, Let Go of Who You Think You're Suppose to be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown, Ph.D., L.M.S.W. 

When I opened the book at that moment, I was on page 90 and when I got to page 91 guess what I read in the GET INSPIRED portion?!?

She talked about her 2007 (Breakdown) Spiritual Awakening it happened after or right before her amazing TEDTalk on Vulnerability, the one  you may have gotten a link to from me (I got it from my friend Jude! THANKS!!!!) a few years ago or not but definitely try to check it out. And she mentions Anne Lamott, Sue Monk Kidd, and Pema Chodron and lastly she writes: 

And last, I absolutely love this quote from Paulo Coelho's, The Alchemist: "...intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life, where the histories of all people are connected, and we are able to know everything, because it's all written there."

It was on the very next page that I read and this was moments prior to me searching for the book in the two stores at the airport.

Some folks hear this and think nothing of it, some folks laugh and think how
silly I am and there are those of you who see what I mean and think, What We Focus On Expands, Where we put our Energy Is What We Feed and Grows.

I see this trivial moments and smile cause In My Heart and Soul I know nothing is trivial.

Have a blessed and mindful day friends!

Love transcends all things.  Trust in the wonder and power of your dreams.

Thank you for reading and Sharing.

Sharing is caring!
Love exists and Life is a miracle, treat it all as such.
In possibility,
Organic JeWeLs

Thursday, October 2, 2014


This is my favorite tree.
Every time I see it, I smile.
It doesn't matter the season, it always inspires a deep seeded smile. 

When I see the tree I'm reminded of my family, my first family, my extended family, my partnered up family, my church family, my work family, my communal family, all my family. 

I think of how different we all are; I think of the tapestry of sorts.  The intricate and complex yet simple arrangement of all the branches extending bring to mind a dance or sorts.

Every season it looks very different and if you look closely you will see its constant presence is a consistent and majestic tapestry of Love.

When I see my tree I feel grounded.  It's such a joy for me to see!

Do you have a favorite tree? Can you share a picture of it with me? Where is it?
What do you like about it?  When did you first notice this tree?

Love transcends all things.  Trust in the wonder and power of your dreams.

Thank you for reading and Sharing.

Sharing is caring!
Love exists and Life is a miracle, treat it all as such.
In possibility,
Organic JeWeLs

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Have you ever heard, "Prayer is you talking to God 
and Meditation is God talking to you?"

This is what I believe.

I'm curious,  What do you know about Meditation, what are your thoughts on it, what do you believe?

I am on a Meditation expedition...

Please share your knowledge with me.

Meditation Resources:

NY INSIGHT Meditation Center, Where Hearts & Minds Awaken

Meditation-101-with-Deepak-Chopra on OWN

Meditation: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes

Love transcends all things.  Trust in the wonder and power of your dreams.

Thank you for reading and Sharing.

Sharing is caring!
Love exists and Life is a miracle, treat it all as such.
In possibility,
Organic JeWeLs

Friday, September 12, 2014

An Affirmation.

A value I have, that I often share, is the fact that I am a firm believer that What I FOCUS on EXPANDS.   I believe I create my life, even when I'm not paying attention. I believe in the power of intention and find that the Universe supports my intentions, in all ways. I feel this innately and find it to be a universal truth.  I am often moved and grateful for the affirmations I receive, moment to moment.  It is inspiring to witness alignment.  With this in mind I had to share an experience I had this week that started with a thought I had and chose to share with my internet friends.

Here is the discussion that ensued via one of my main Social Networking platforms when I shared my thought:

This was my status update:
There are good people in the world,
they are ready to be kind to you and to help you...
be one of those good people.

The first comment I received went like this (Person A):  

I'm one of those people. And I always wonder, will they be there to help me too?!?

I responded with:   

Only you can answer that question, love. 

Dios dice, "Ayudate que yo te ayudare." <--This means
--> God says, Help yourself and I will help you. 

The Response that came back was (Person A): 

No I can't answer it.....The people I've helped have to answer it when 
I am in a bind and call them! 

My Response to this was: 

I'm sure if you sit down and think about it although you have endured 
so much loss you have been truly blessed by so much grace.
 I'm sure of it. I for one haven't gotten any call and if I can't respond as you 
need I would hope that you know I'm a god person and all I want is to be kind to you 
and for your greater good. I keep thinking about when I hold the door for someone and 
they don't say thank you. I use to be so very righteous that it would make me angry if the ungrateful momo didn't say thank you and thankfully, I'm at a place where I hold the 
door because it's what I want to do, it's how I want to show up, a verbal thank you isn't necessary for me to feel good about what I just did. I know it's not what you are talking 
about specifically but it's all connected. Stop for a moment and think of all the great in 
your life and you won't have to wonder cause we are all already there for you! 

At this point a third person engages in the dialogue, 
Person C responds to Person A:
You're so right...Talk is sometimes too easy and cheap and you'll never know 

until you ask for help or kindness. Sometimes the least likely person 

will step up and the most likely will disappear into the sunset.

To this I replied: 
Whatever we choose is what we will experience. And...the man who introduced me to 

The AMAZING FOUR AGREEMENTS, nothing is personal 

so disappearing into the sunset is OK. 

Person C responds to Me:
Don't take it personal doesn't mean don't have emotions. 

Not everything is ok, but most things should not be taken personal 

unless there is a lesson that needs to be learned.

To this I replied:
If you ask me to show up for you a certain way and I can't 

it's not really about what I think of you or feel for you  or your worth. 

That's all I'm saying and we all feel what we outta feel. 

Everything is fine at all times, even when it's not. 

The world is conspiring for my greater good. If you believe different that's okay too.

Person C responds to Me:
ok, it's not biblical, it's just your opinion and mine. 

Each of us is a story maker and teller. 

What's good and right for you is just that.

To this I replied:
AMEN! The world conspiring for my greater good isn't biblical, 

it's just a reality. It's also conspiring for your greater good, 

you just have to believe it. ANd yes, AMEN, what's appropriate for me is 

just that,appropriate for me. I choose to not break things down as good or bad or right or

 wrong but that's a whole 'nother debate for another time. Gotta get back to work. Namaste!

I did not get anymore responses after that at this point. 
So the alignment and affirmation I received was enormous for me. I was watching a recording

his book, "The Alchemist."  To my dismay I 

have not read it yet so imagine my elation 

when they discussed this Universal Truth, 

which is apparently illustrated throughout the 

entire book, "When you want something all the universe conspires in helping you to get it." 

We are all entitled to our perspectives, or 

opinions, and of course our experience.  I do 

recommend if you are not familiar with this 

truth, research it further, scientifically, 

spiritually, mathematically, in all ways, get to the root of it and share with me your outcomes.

Love transcends all things.  Trust in the wonder and power of your dreams.

Thank you for reading and Sharing.

Sharing is caring!
Love exists and Life is a miracle, treat it all as such.
In possibility,
Organic JeWeLs

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What Do You Call It?

Lately I've been thinking a whole lot about that thing, You know, that thing deep inside of me, deep inside of 
you.  Some folks call it, "inner guidance," some call it, "intuition," and some even call it, "a gut feeling."

I mean isn't it imperative to think about this cause doesn't it guide actions? 

Does it guide your actions?
What is your idea regarding that inner feeling that inspires, motivates, and moves you? 
What do you call it? 
Do you call it anything at all?

At time I think of it as, experience, wisdom, divinity, passion all combined into moments of true clarity but what do I call it? I haven't found a word for it cause it just isn't that black and white.

Is it light? 
Is it drive? 
Could it be reality?

Do you know what IT is I am speaking of?
Tell me, what do YOU call it?

Love transcends all things.  Trust in the wonder and power of your dreams.

Thank you for reading and Sharing.

Sharing is caring!
Love exists and Life is a miracle, treat it all as such.
In possibility,
Organic JeWeLs

Monday, September 8, 2014

Let Go, Let God

Week two of kindergarten started this morning and perhaps it's the crisp September breeze, I'm not sure, but I just can't seem to shake this melancholy.  

Last week, day one, I was able to walk my baby into the school and watch as he walked with his new teachers to their new classroom. Day two I was told to just drop him off at the door and he will be taken care of.  It's a great school, I'm at ease with his being taken care of and getting the education he needs but not being able to hold his hand it tugged at my heart strings.  Day three I was totally fine when I kept reminding myself to breathe deep and let love.  

Today is day four and as I pulled up to the curb I smiled and said, "You are so grown up, not a baby anymore, but I know you know, you will ALWAYS be my baby!" I wasn't thinking about that, it was just a deep sentiment that rose to the surface.  I helped him out of the car and I started to walk with him and said, "Okay, you have to go in from here, I love you. Bye." He grabbed my hand and shook his head no gently.  

Just like me wanting to nurture him and see him to safety by holding his hand, he too wanted the assurance of his mom.  I hugged him walked a little further, kissed him, told him to have a beautiful day.  As he walked in he stopped to confirm where he had to go, I snapped a quick picture with my cell phone, from outside and I walked away with a heavy heart and so proud of my little boy.

For me, it's such a delicate dance the one I have to partake in.  You know, the dance of coaching, nurturing, mothering, teaching, and LETTING GO.  As I drove away in my car I had thought and I prayed that he will always want me to hold his hand and that he will always be confident and strong enough to go alone.

Love transcends all things.  Trust in the wonder and power of your dreams.

Thank you for reading and Sharing.

Sharing is caring!
Love exists and Life is a miracle, treat it all as such.
In possibility,
Organic JeWeLs

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Miracle Called YOU!

Yesterday, 7.10.14 around noonish, I shared the following on one of my more relevant social media platforms: 

                         I must share.
                         I was on the phone with an extremely special being, not just special  
                         to me but special in the universe. We were conversing and I was sharing 
                         a story someone shared with me about being blessed with the presence of 
                         our deceased loved ones. I was about to share how a blessing transpired 
                         and a cardinal showed up as they acknowledged the blessing (I choose to 
                         believe Cardinals are signs from our loved ones spirits, they just inform us 
                         that we are not alone...) and at the exact time in my backyard there landed 
                         a cardinal! It was AWE-SOME! I can't begin to tell you the feels (like my 
                         soon to be 17 year old niece says ). It was magical.
                         Our loved ones die from the physical world, they cease there and they live 
                         forever always in the legacy that is their loved ones.
                         So blessed.
                         Please pay attention to the miracles around you and the miracle you are!
                         PS: I invite you to look in the mirror and tell yourself how much you value, 
                         love, and appreciate the miracle of you!

                         ~Organic JeWeLs

After reading my share my friend Simone commented:

                         "I see a book there "the miracle called YOU."

I responded with:

                                 Beautiful, Beautiful Simone. I'm on it!

The entire interaction got me thinking. 

How do I drive home the notion of The True Miracle You are?  

How do I illustrate, in simple and understandable terms the power within you?

Take a moment, if you will, stop, breathe deep, close your eyes, breathe deep and put 

your hand over your heart.  With your hand feel your heart beating within. Open your 

eyes and look at yourself in the mirror. Look at yourself with compassionate and loving 


Look at yourself as you would look at a loved one whom you adore with so much of

your being.  

What do you see?

Are you looking within?

Take a deep breathe.

In your mind's eye how do you envision 

your being?

Please let me tell you, you are beautiful

beyond measure.

Tell yourself how amazing you truly are.

Believe in the power of you.  When you say the words, "I am," pause and always follow 

those words with something positive and kind.

You may not know me but one thing I value most is honesty. Honestly you are a gift in the

world NOW it's time to let your light shine.

If not NOW, then When?

The Miracle Called YOU, look in the mirror and acknowledge the Miracle you are.

Love transcends all things.  Trust in the wonder and power of your dreams.

Thank you for reading and Sharing.

Sharing is caring!
Love exists and Life is a miracle, treat it all as such.
In possibility,
Organic JeWeLs

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What I Feel Is What I Oughta Feel

I dropped off my son at school this morning and his teachers gave me this trio of goodness.

I got a teapot invitation to a Mother's Day Brunch with my son and his class.  A bag of three flower cookies made by my son. A plant created from pinto beans that my son planted in school two weeks ago. How awesome is that!?!

I gave him a hug for all the gifts, said thank you to his teachers and went to my car.  When I put my car in drive I looked at these three simply and amazing expressions of love and it brought a smile and a tear.

I had to take a picture of it. 

I thought, "Wow it was only eight months ago I dropped him off at school and had to pause in the car for a moment to send him light and positive energy so he wouldn't feel such anxiety for me leaving."  The first week of school was okay cause he was only there for a couple of hours but the second week was tortuous, for the both of us.  My little boy is growing up and I'm growing up right along with him.  I said a silent prayer, took a few deep breathes, thanked the universe for this experience and awareness and began to drive.

As I approached the stop sign I turned on the radio which was connected to my iPod and "Amor Eterno" begins to play. At first I smiled, shook my head a bit from side to side and then had to pull over.  See the song is about a deep loss; an intense desire to not have lost a loved one who has closed their eyes and transitioned to the spirit world.  

The circle of life is a powerful and amazing roller coaster, a one of a kind experience for each of us.  My Abuelito, My Dear Grandfather, passed away earlier this year. I felt that loss deep in my soul.  I know he's Gone physically from our lives and I also know he lives in my heart, he lives in my soul.  The Truth is this awareness doesn't change the sense of loss, the heaviness of it.  I do stand in gratitude for gifts I have received.  I'm grateful my little boy got to meet my Abuelito and I'm even more grateful my grandfather got to meet me, the mom.  I cried like a baby. I have shed many tears over my grandfather's passing but there have been only two occasions, today and another one last month, that I have been able to sit in the sadness and allow it to help me heal the pain.  I know grandpa is with me, for that I am grateful. I know my son is growing and becoming more and more independent and for that I am melancholic and also grateful.

I cried, I acknowledged what I was feeling, honored it, and let it go.  Once I let it go I became aware this majestic expression of love and nature, it made brought me joy. The tree elicited a smile on my face and in my heart. See this tree's blossom only lasts about two weeks, if that.  The flowers are delicate and quite appealing;  they must be enjoyed and appreciated for the time they exist, they blossom, the go away, and they return. It's the circle of life.  Having compassion for myself and my emotions is huge part of my life's current purpose.  Today I thank Professor Rosenfield of Communications 101 at Queens College, over twenty years ago for articulating for me the concept of , "What I Feel Is What I Oughta Feel."

Love transcends all things.  Trust in the wonder and power of your dreams.

Thank you for reading and Sharing.

Sharing is caring!
Love exists and Life is a miracle, treat it all as such.
In possibility,