Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Together, IT'S THE ONLY WAY!

We are still in need of stuff and man power in the Rockaways.  I have included a link to the report by Toni on NY at The Rockaways, as it is very informative.  If you don't have the finances to purchase stuff you can
volunteer your time.
I am immensely grateful for the many heartfelt donations that I have received.  I have taken several donations and it's still not enough, I am requesting help, Please share and get the word out...I am still collecting NEW, WARM Hats and SOCKS.
Remember this message?

Helping Friends In Far Rockaway
I am asking for your help from now until the end of December...

I am collecting NEW  & WARM HATS and SOCKS 
for the folks in 

Far Rockaway, for babies all the way 
through adulthood, men and women.
If you have
 a connection at places of business that 
sell these and can make a donation please let me 
know who to call or where to go and I will go.
The people of Far Rockaway thank you in advance 
and I thank you with all my heart!

and we can set up a pick up or drop off.
Thank you so much!




Please check out this informative link.
Toni On NY at The Rockaways


Sharing is caring.

Respectfully & Sincerely yours,

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